Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How I found Out I had Cancer

Oct. 17, 2012: In early November 2010 I found a lump in my right leg by chance basically. I was only 26. I felt fine, healthy and wasn't really worried. I had just moved to Vancouver from Halifax a few months earlier to start a new job. I was young, excited, and an active guy. I went to see a doctor and although concerned about it, wasn't worried initially.

I went through a series of tests, including an MRI, biopsy, and ultrasound.

Then I sat in a little yellow room at the BCCA (British Columbia Cancer agency). I was scared, nervous, but I couldn't have cancer, I thought I was simply too young and, as mentioned before, I felt fine.

But then, the words came out. "You have cancer". A lot of things happened quickly, and to be honest, I don't really remember most of it. I met immediately with a surgery team, they told me it was a cancer called Ewings Sarcoma. They told me it was curable, and they told me it was the smallest tumor of that type they had ever seen. It didn't mean much at the time. I met more doctors quicker than I ever had before. I still didn't believe it to be honest.

I have never been more scared. It felt like a death sentence. I knew I would have to fight harder than I ever would for anything. I was going to have to leave my job, something I spent my whole life working towards, go through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation at the young age of 26.

As you can tell, this was almost two years ago now. I am at a stage where I am feeling comfortable with discussing my experiences, hopefully this will help people. I want to share so people know what happened, and anyone else out there going through the same thing that they are not alone. I still live with the fear of it coming back as well. d thing. Survivor guilt is a weirAnd finally to share the information and help I received from multiple organizations.

These include the Canadian Cancer Society, BCCA, F--k Cancer ( and the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer (

This is just the start today, but keep checking up with me, I am going to post on Wednesdays and Sundays every week. Starting from the beginning all the way to now.

Have a good day and if you want more info right away check out my second site on the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer (

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